Vehicle Tracking System: Important Stats and Facts You'll Ever Need to Know.

Vehicle tracking systems have evolved into an integral component of logistics and smart cities to improve and secure freight transit. Biometrics, like in any other industry, has evolved into an excellent tool for improving security in vehicle tracking. The primary goal of this technology is to safeguard vehicles and goods from unauthorized access while implementing a quick, simple, and dependable tracking system.

In a world where the fast movement of shipments is necessary, vehicle tracking becomes inevitable, and in which biometrics adds security. Furthermore, biometric adoption is driven by factors like the emergence of 5G and IoT, security, increased fleet operations, rental vehicle services, and increasing adoption of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS).

Quick market stats:

The global vehicle tracking system market is expected to reach $109 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 19.7%.

The global GPS tracking device market size would reach $4.93 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of 12.3%

Metals and mining, cargo vehicles, and container vehicles are top in tracking adoption.

The pandemic further drove the need for low-cost tracking systems.

Various governments have made tracking compulsory for both passenger and commercial vehicles.

RFID-GPS vehicle tracking system

GPS Tracking of the Vehicle in Smart Cities

Tracking and vehicle access systems connect with the Engine Control Unit (ECU). The GPS tracks the vehicle's position, while the RFID technology is the access control anti-theft mechanism used in the system. The RFID-GPS tracking system works in three sections: access control, vehicle identification, and tracking.

Control vehicle entry with access control

Each RFID-tagged vehicle contains the vehicle's identity. It is verified at every building entry, warehouse, parking lot, and loading zone, keeping illegal cars off the grounds. RFID readers at the gates read the tag and only allow authorized vehicles through. As a result, various establishments can restrict access to their parking lots and buildings.

Vehicle identification

The RFID tag will save data such as vehicle identification, vehicle type, goods carried, destination, and other information, instructions, and so on. However, the technology is widely employed by automobile rental companies, dealerships, long-distance travel, warehouse deliveries, etc. Rental cars, dealerships, and transportation companies all have a long line of identical vehicles that might easily be mistaken for one another. RFID identification aids in locating the exact vehicle allocated to workers or for specific tasks.

The same technology is used in smart cities to detect public vehicles such as garbage trucks, buses, etc. It is also used to collect electronic tolls.

Track where the vehicle goes

Tracking is possible with GPS embedded with RFID or GSM. The RFID ID tag for each vehicle can also be integrated with GPS to share the vehicle's exact location at each checkpoint. In contrast, GSM-based GPS offers real-time location sharing, ideal for commercial and private vehicles.

Tracking Cab Vehicles with GPS

Real-time tracking is required for fleet services to assure safe and timely freight delivery. It assists fleet services in managing route planning, pick-and-drop, and reporting vehicle availability.

Better security with biometric authentication in vehicle tracking

By validating who is driving the car, biometric authentication adds another layer of security. It helps cab services and public transportation by guaranteeing that only authorized drivers use the vehicle. In addition, the system notifies the owner or management of the vehicle handover.

Biometric authentication is often used in warehouse handling, but sometimes the fleet needs similar security. Let's say fuel transit, coal trucks, cement, or sand-like uncountable shipments. Biometric scanners connected to the ECU authenticate the driver before starting the vehicle. This ensures the proper vehicle handling and avoids mishandling of such trucks inside and outside the work premises.


A comprehensive vehicle tracking system is vital for the substantial growth of smart cities and freight transit. Biometrics is its future to add security and driver management to this system, which will become more common as the IoT and 5G become mainstream. Check out a real vehicle tracking solution: click here.


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