Biometrics-Based Access Control For Medical Equipment


January 16, 2019

Arjun Singh

Biometrics had travelled a long way ever since diversified industries are embracing modernize technologies for better efficiency, convenience, and security. Hospitals are one of the sensitive sectors incorporating the question of life and death of a person. On that account, patients’ data, as well as the medical monitoring equipment must be protected by a stringent reliable technology.

Biometrics is keen to develop a new way of thinking by bringing a change in the already stressed process of performing various operations in hospitals. The physiological attributes are innate to individuals and not even siblings have identical biometric patterns.

For better patients’ care and in an effort to make doctors’ task quite simplistic and meticulous, biometrics have entered the doors of hospitals. Owning to accurate human identification, biometric scanners can be integrated with the medical equipments to restrict an unauthorized person from operating it.

Role of Biometrics in Accessing Medical Equipments

Medical monitoring equipments such as medical imaging machine, x-ray machine, PET and CT scanners, a heart-lung machine, ventilators, incubators, dialysis machine, MRI machine, and multiple other diagnostic equipments play a vital role in the healthcare industry.

All these high-end medical equipments lay significance in monitoring or treatment of patients’ medical condition. For this reason, only an authorized operator shall be allowed to operate the highly developed and sensitive medical equipments.

Biometrics technology paves the way to control the access of medical apparatus that prevents any unauthorized access or damages to the equipments. Biometric scanners utilizing the fingerprint, iris or facial readers shall be integrated with the medical equipments so that only an authorized operator or doctor can operate the machine.

How Biometrics Can Assist in Controlling The Access of Medical Equipments?

Biometric-based equipment access control assists the doctors and medical operators in restricting the use of medical equipment by an unauthorized operator so that only an authorized person can access the

Biometric scanners i.e. fingerprint, iris or facial readers can be consolidated with the medical equipments.

Biometric data of an authorized person will be stored and the same will be read by the fingerprint, iris or facial scanners for identification of an authorized person.

Once an authorized person is verified through his biometrics, he will be able to operate the equipment successfully.

Any unauthorized person will be kept away from operating the high-end medical tools and equipments.

Prominence of Bringing Biometrics into Practice

Adopting biometrics technology to control the use of medical equipment have been highlighted herein:-

Easy integration with the medical tools/apparatus/equipments

Accurate identification of an authorized operator

Protects the medical equipments from potential hazard of misuse

Provides safety to the medical equipment from any hazardous operation by an unauthorized person

Adds an extra level of security

Obstructs the use of medical equipments if the operator is not recognized as an authorized person.

Access to medicine cabinets can also be controlled through biometrics integration

Possibly prevent the equipment from damages

How Mantra Can Assist Medical Equipment Manufacturers?

Mantra offers a wide range of advanced products and solutions by implementing state-of-the-art biometric technologies. We are known in the industry for manufacturing customized integrated security solutions.

We also manufacture best-in-class biometric OEM modules that can be easily integrated with any hardware/equipment/tool. Mantra’s fingerprint, iris or facial OEM modules deem to be best fit for hospitals to integrate it with their medical equipments.

Mantra has the capability to render configurable biometric modules for medical tools, apparatus, and equipments to keep with the pace of the innovation. Our system authenticates the operator of equipment through a biometric scanner to control the access to sensitive equipment.


The advanced, rapid, efficient and reliable functioning or operation of medical equipments in the hospital can be attained through the integration of state-of-the-art biometric scanners.

The latest biometric OEM modules shall be adopted in the hospitals to keep up with the upgraded technology to enhance the performance and security of medical equipments.


  • Prashant kumar

    Hey Thanks for sharing! Awesome to learn about this brand new biometric medical equipments really going to help a lot.


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